
Welcome to DeepZen’s Publisher Portal

DeepZen’s publisher portal enables you to conveniently manage all your audiobook projects in one place, quickly and cost-effectively. We offer a range of service options depending on your needs and budget.


We recommend the managed service for fiction titles. This is an end to end service which includes a pronunciation check, proofing review by DeepZen editors, customer quality review and 2 corrections stages, post-processing and mastering ready for distribution. The turn-around for this service is 1 to 2 weeks. The cost per finished hour is $129.00/ £99.00.


The automated service is more appropriate for non-fiction genres. After you’ve uploaded your ePub, we provide a full pronunciation check, make any necessary pronunciation corrections and then convert your ePub into audio. We post-process and master your audiobook to industry standard specifications so the title is ready for distribution. The cost is $69.00/ £49.00 per finished hour and we deliver files within 3 to 5 days.

  • Pricing
  • PricingPricing
  • Epub EditorEpub Editor
  • Pronounciation CheckPronounciation Check
  • DeepZen Proofing ReviewDeepZen Proofing Review
  • Publisher QC ReviewPublisher QC Review
  • CorrectionsCorrections
  • Post-Processing & FormatingPost-Processing & Formating
  • Average Turn-aroundAverage Turn-around
  • Distribution Set-UpDistribution Set-Up
  • Managed Service
  • $129 – £99/finished hour
  • Pricing$129 – £99/finished hour
  • Epub Editoryes
  • Pronounciation Checkyes
  • DeepZen Proofing Reviewyes
  • Publisher QC Reviewyes
  • Correctionsyes
  • Post-Processing & Formatingyes
  • Average Turn-around1-2 weeks
  • Distribution Set-Up$69/£49 initially, $24.99/£19.99 per year thereafter
  • Automated Service
  • $69 – £49/finished hour
  • Pricing$69 – £49/finished hour
  • Epub Editoryes
  • Pronounciation Checkyes
  • DeepZen Proofing Reviewno
  • Publisher QC Reviewno
  • Correctionsno
  • Post-Processing & Formatingyes
  • Average Turn-around3-5 days
  • Distribution Set-Up$69/£49 initially, $24.99/£19.99 per year thereafter
Why use DeepZen?


Proprietary tech delivers emotion-rich and life like narration. 


Faster time to market and a simplified production process


Flexible service options for all needs and budgets

How does it work?



Create your account and review our contract



Choose the right service option for your needs and budget.

Simply enter the word count of your manuscript to receive an estimated cost


Select Voice

Choose the right voice for
your project from our library
of voices


Create Project

Upload your manuscript and use our handy tool to prepare it for conversion into audio

Audio creation 

We convert your title to audio using our proprietary technology.

Quality Control

The only AI voice service that includes a pronunciation check as standard.


Receive a fully mastered and store-ready audiobook ready for distribution.

Interested? Sign up here to start your first project.


In addition to audiobook production, DeepZen can help you to set up global distribution to the majority of vendors and digital service providers globally. We have relationships with trusted partners that enable you to sell your audiobooks on more than 50 channels globally. These include Apple Books, Spotify, Deezer, Google Play, Kobo, Kobo, Scribd, Storytel and Bibliotheca.

We charge an initial fee of $69/ £49 for set up, and a yearly fee of $24.99/ £19.99. Most importantly, you retain 100% of net receipts. We manage delivery of assets and metadata to distributors, and manage all reporting and payments to you twice yearly.


Setting up distribution can be time consuming and, with so many different business models emerging, complex. With DeepZen, simply upload your metadata and cover image in the portal and we’ll do the rest when your audiobook is ready for distribution.


We’ll provide you with regular sales reports that detail sales, territory, vendor name and type, business model, distributor fees and your share of revenue.

Best Practice

DeepZen’s audiobooks are quality approved on over 50 vendors. We have developed best practice guidance for identifying a digital voice in metadata to ensure your audiobooks are accepted by the majority of global vendors.

For more information, please see here DISTRIBUTION SETUP CONTRACT.

We are Deepzen

We are passionate about developing pioneering text to speech solutions. In fact, our digital voices are so good that publishers use them to produce audiobooks. Interested? Take a listen for yourself.

For more information, feel free to get in touch.