

Bring your

slides to life

Add digital voiceover to your slides and turn your presentation into a video.

How does it work?

Upload your presentation
You don’t need special formats, just upload your usual PowerPoint files or PDFs.
Enter your voiceover text
Upload the text you wish to be converted into digital voice for each slide.
Choose your narrator
Select from a variety of voices.
And you’re done. It’s literally that easy.

Ready to dive in?

Pricing: $1 for 1 minute of audio.

Videomaker is available in Professional, Start-Up/ Scale-Up and Enterprise plans, but Videomaker credits are purchased separately.

See our pricing page for more information.

We are Deepzen

We are passionate about converting text to speech. In fact, our digital voices are so good that publishers use them to produce audiobooks. Interested? Take a listen for yourself.